Maak ‘n verskil vanaf R100 ‘n maand!

Loop jou hart oor van liefde hierdie Februarie-maand? Sluit aan by ons valentyns-aanbieding en Borg ‘n Kind deur so min as R100 ‘n maand by te dra. Ons Borg ‘n Kind projek gee vir jou die unieke geleentheid om ‘n konneksie te vorm en gereelde korrespondensie oor die gegewe kind te ontvang. Die veiligheid van […]

A welcome shot in the arm for AK’s Sponsor-a-Child project!

Abraham Kriel’s Sponsor-a-Child project received a major boost this week with more than 20 new sponsors signed up for the next year equalling close to R70 000. The local Keller Williams Executive team – headed by Mariana Hartslief – identified the children’s home as their beneficiary for their annual ‘RED Day’ – a yearly day of […]